
  • Birth Preparation Programme

    5 Week Program with a 2 hour class per week

    Maximum of 7 couples

    This course is structure in:

    Physiology of Birth

    Mental Preparation

    Coping with Pain

    Birth Plan

    Preparing your Postpartum

    To know more

  • Yoga for Birth

    During this workshop, we are going to explore the tools that work for you, through movement and postures, the breath, sound, mantra and Yoga Nidra.

    The time together will unfold like this:

    Small sharing

    Explanation of the energy of birth

    Breathing techniques

    Postures & movement

    Yoga Nidra

    After the class you will receive a manual with all the content and one audio with the guided relaxation.

    To know more

  • Healing Mama

    Motherhood can change us profundly. We want to open a space to share your story, to meditate in your body, to heal with oils and herbas and more.

    If you feel that you need a space of healing here we are.

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  • Club Mamis

    Every month we join with mos to b an moms total about diffrent subjects and more!

    To Know more

Knowldge is power.

Get in touch.

If you want to know more about the different courses that we offer send us a message!